Best USA bridge and how to build bridge


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Bridges are typically designed to provide a route over a body of water, another road, or any other area that would otherwise be impossible to cross. In addition to their functionality, bridges can also be incredibly beautiful, such as the Golden Gate Bridge.

While there are thousands of bridges in the United States of different sizes, some are more famous than others. Here are the most famous within the country as well as everything you need to know about them.

New York, New York

New York is a city connected together by amazing bridges, but if we have to pick just one to celebrate, it’s the truly iconic Brooklyn Bridge.

Finished in 1883, it’s one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States. It was named a National Historic Landmark in 1964 and a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark in 1972.

Virginia Beach, Virginia

The CBBT is a 23-mile combination of bridges and tunnels that cross the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.

This amazing feat of engineering, which opened in 1964, combines 12 miles of trestle bridges, two one-mile-long tunnels, four artificial islands, four high-level bridges, approximately two miles of causeway, and 5.5 miles of approach roads. It replaced the vehicle ferry service that had operated in the area since the 1930s.

It is one of only ten bridge-tunnel systems in the world.

राज्य के मुख्य शहर सिएटल और कनाडाई शहर वैंकूवर के बीचो-बीच स्थित माउंट वोर्नेन के करीब यह चार लेन का पुल स्थित है।

सेतु मुख्यतः ६ प्रकार के होते हैं :
  • चाप सेतु (Arch bridges),
  • धरन सेतु (Beam bridges)
  • भुजोत्तोलक सेतु (Cantilever bridges),
  • झूला पुल या 'निलम्बन सेतु' (Suspension bridges),
  • केबल-तनित सेतु (Cable-Stayed bridge) और
  • ट्रस सेतु (Truss bridges)


अमेरिका में बहुत कुछ है।


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